by PK Jarju
The Gambian community in Yorkshire, United Kingdom, Tuesday joined their Muslim brothers in the county to celebrated the Muslim feast of Eidul Fitr, locally refered to as Korite.
The feast, which was to mark the end of the Muslim Holy Month of Ramadan, brought together Muslim men and women of different race and background.
In Wakefield town despite Tuesday being a working day in the country, the Gambian community gathered in Masjid Zakariyya, where the Eid prayers were conducted.
The Imam of the mosque, who spoke at length about the blessings of Ramadan and Eid quoted a hadith narrated by one of Prophet Muhammad's (SAW) uncles, Ibn Abbaas (RA). In the hadith, Ibn Abbaas (RA) said he heard the Prophet (SAW) say: "In the morning of Eid, Allah sends down the angels to all the lands of the earth where they take their positions at access points of roads, calling out with a voice that is heard by all except men and jinns.
"O ummah of Muhammad (SAW) come forth from your houses towards a Lord that is noble and gracious, Who grants much and pardons the major sins." When they proceed towards the praying ground for their Eid salah, Allah says to the Angels: "What is indeed the reward of that employee who had rendered his services?" The Angels replies: "O Lord and Master, it is only right that he should receive his reward in full for his services." Allah then says, "I call you to witness, O my Angels, that for their having fasted during the month of Ramadan, and for them having stood before me in Laylatul Qadr, I have granted to them as reward My pleasure and have granted to them forgiveness. O My servants ask now of Me, for I swear by My Honour and My Greatness, that whatsoever you shall beg of Me this day in this assembly, of yours for the needs of the Hearafter, I shall grant you; and whatsoever you shall ask for worldly needs, I shall look at you favourably. By My Honour, I swear, as long as you shall obey My commands, I shall cover your faults. By My Honour and My Greatness do I swear that I shall never disgrace you among the evil-doing ones and disbelievers. Depart now from here, you are forgiven. You have pleased me and I am pleased with you. The Angels on seeing this great reward bestowed by Allah upon the ummah of Muhammad (SAW) on the day of Eidul Fitr becomes greatly pleased and happy."
The Imam added that as Muslims, we should indeed be thankful to Almighty Allah for having blessed us with such a Holy month in which all the sins we have committed in the previous months are forgiven. He was however quick to caution Muslims not to go about committing sins with the hope of getting them redeemed in Ramadan.
He seized the opportunity to pray for peace, harmony and prosperity in the globe especially in the Muslim world.
At the end of the prayers, the Gambian community met outside the mosque for a photo session as well as to seek each other's forgiveness. They also prayed to Allah to grant them long life, happiness, progress and everything good that they wish for themselves.
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