The Gambia Press Union, United States Branch (GPU-USA) has elected a new executive committee to steer the affairs of the Union for the next two years. The term of the current executive expires on December 31st, 2009.
Former PRO and Gainako editor Demba Baldeh was elected Secretary General to replace Baba Galleh Jallow; Bubacar Ceesay of AllGambian replaces Fatou Jaw Manneh as Deputy Secretary General; Cherno Baba Jallow replaces Demba Baldeh as Public Relations Officer; Lamin Jatta replaces Joe Sambou as Treasurer; Pa Samba Jow replaces Lamin Jatta as Auditor; and Modou Nyang replaces Emuran Saidy as Social Affairs Secretary. Haruna Darbo and Christine Sukuna who showed up to offer their moral support, were nominated and accepted honorary membership of the new executive. Both Mr. Darbo and Ms Sukuna had earlier been invited and graciously accepted associate membership of the GPU-USA. Outgoing secretary general Baba Galleh Jallow was also nominated an honorary member of the new executive. The elections were held at a well-attended conference call meeting on Sunday, November 8, 2009.
Prior to the elections both new and old members expressed sentiments regarding the nature and work of the GPU-USA. Outgoing secretary general Baba Galleh Jallow said he was not seeking re-election in order to aid the fight against the myth of the indispensability of leaders. “Everyone can be replaced,” he said, adding that he was absolutely certain that the GPU-USA has members perfectly capable of running the affairs of the Union. He thanked outgoing members of the executive and assured the new executive that they all would continue offering their support and participating actively in the affairs of GPU-USA.
The new executive will formally take over the affairs of the Union with effect from January 1, 2010.
Signed on behalf of the GPU-USA,
Demba Baldeh, Outgoing PRO
Baba Galleh Jallow, Outgoing Secretary General
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