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Tuesday 10 March 2009

Jammeh's witch hunters hit Sintet

By PK Jarju

A large number of elderly men and women from Sintet Village were yesterday arrested and detained in President Jammeh's home village, Kanilai.

The arrest of the elderly villagers is in connection with ongoing nation wide crackdown on alleged witches and wizards.

villagers told me that the witch hunters with the support of Gambian security officers surrounded the Foni village and arrested any village elder they found at home.

Some village elders were reported to have fled the village into Cassamance.

Sources added that the arrested men and women are currently being vetted by the witch hunters.

"The witch hunters give then a concotion to drink which is making witches and wizards to confess to their past activities. Some have already admitted to the killing of certain prominent people in the area," a soldier I will identified as Jalamang (not his real name) told me.

Jalamang added that some of the arrested men and women were released last night and this morning after they were cleared by the witch hunters.

Meanwhile military sources have confirmed earlier newspaper reports about the gruesome murder of Ceesay Jatta in Kanilai.

"Ceesay Jatta of Bujiling was beheaded by the witch hunters who identified him as a local commander of the witches," an officer in Kanilai to told me.

1 comment:

  1. So sad to hear a story like this about my beloved country.
    Please Lord, give President Jammeh back his sanity.
